FIREBIRD – How to CRUD a Database?


Create Database

  • Open the ISQL from the Command Line: Create Database PASCASARJANA_MSI.fdb (fdb equal to firebird database)

ISQL Version: WI-V2.5.1.26351 Firebird 2.5

Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database

SQL> CREATE DATABASE ‘D:\DATA\PASCASARJANA_MSI.fdb’ page_size 1024 USER ‘sysdba’ PASSWORD ‘masterkey’;

  • If you are success, then the values would be like this:

Server version:

WI-V2.5.1.26351 Firebird 2.5

WI-V2.5.1.26351 Firebird 2.5/XNet (SON-PC)/P12

WI-V2.5.1.26351 Firebird 2.5/XNet (SON-PC)/P12


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What is Firebird?

  • Firebird is relational database management software, similar in purpose to products such as DB2 by IBM, Oracle, SQL Server by Microsoft and the open source PostGreSQL.
  • The software has two main components:
    1. The database server, which lives on the same host machine as the databases, and the application interface, commonly referred to as “the client library”.
    2. The client library is a runtime component—a DLL on Windows or a shared object (.so) on other platforms—that two-tier deployments need on each client workstation.


For multi-tier deployments, where users access databases through middleware from a web browser or other “thin” interface, the Firebird client library is not deployed to end-users at all but is incorporated into the middleware. Baca lebih lanjut

Arsitektur Database

Level Abstraksi Data

  • Abstraksi data merupakan arsitektur/tingkatan/level untuk melihat data dalam sebuah sistem basis data.
  • Karena tidak semua pengguna basisdata terlatih dengan baik dan penggunanya terbagi dalam beberapa tingkatan, maka kompleksitas basisdata akan tersembunyi dari para penggunanya melalui beberapa level abstraksi data.
  • Fungsinya untuk menyederhanakan interaksi antara pemngguna dengan sistemnya dengan basisdata dapat mempresentasikan view yang berbeda kepada para pengguna, programmer dan administratornya
  • Physical level: describes how a record (e.g., customer) is stored.
  • Logical level: describes data stored in database, and the relationships among the data.
    • type customer = record
    • customer_id : string;  customer_name : string;
    • customer_street : string; customer_city : integer;
    • end;
  • View level: application programs hide details of data types.  Views can also hide information (such as an employee’s salary) for security purposes.

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Database Management System (DBMS)


  • DBMS contains information about a particular enterprise
    • Collection of interrelated data
    • Set of programs to access the data
    • An environment that is both convenient and efficient to use
  • Database Applications:
    • Banking: all transactions
    • Airlines: reservations, schedules
    • Universities:  registration, grades
    • Sales: customers, products, purchases
    • Online retailers: order tracking, customized recommendations
    • Manufacturing: production, inventory, orders, supply chain
    • Human resources:  employee records, salaries, tax deductions
    • Databases touch all aspects of our lives

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